AI Art
Art can now be generated almost completely with artificial intelligence.
AI can transform written language into realistic images.
This now brings up the conversation of AI art appropriation ...
AI systems are given a written prompt, and scan billions of already existing images to create "new" imagery. Are AI systems appropriating art and images that are already created?

But then, does that mean artists were already appropriating images that they referred to while creating their art?

(Did Van Gogh appropriate the image or the simple being of sunflowers when he painted his famous "Sunflowers"?')
What differentiates humans from AI?
Although AI is already better, faster, and smarter than human intelligence in a lot of aspects... AI does not have the ability to think creatively nor feel empathy.
But does this even matter?
Although these machines are created to have intelligence and not emotions... in reality, it doesn't really matter.

The fact that humans have feelings and AI does not, AI is still able to do everything that we as humans created them to do.

If someone wants a piece of art done, and the AI art is done better than what an artist can do, the fact that one artwork is done with feelings and one isn't, won't matter anymore.

The power of AI is inevitable.